Opinión por:
Centro de Innovación Tecsup


Noviembre presenta novedades, eventos y  actividades en el ecosistema de innovación, y en Tecsup te mantenemos al tanto con el Bits de Innovación. ¡Sigamos haciendo crecer la comunidad de Innovadores!

Tecsup promueve Hackathon detección del stress académico en covid

En esta competencia estudiantes podrán ayudar a detectar el stress ocasionado en clases en tiempo de Covid - 19. Conoce más aquí

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Emprendimiento en desarrollo de videojuegos

Oportunidad para innovar y emprender en este sector en nuestro país. Conoce más aquí

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Tecsup lanzó su segunda de edición de Challenge y captó 31 iniciativas

Alumnos de las 3 sedes de Tecsup presentaron sus propuestas, fueron 31 iniciativas y compiten en el challenge que busca soluciones para reactivar la economía y generar empleo post covid . Este concurso incluye también la realización de talleres dirigidos a los equipos y mentoría de especialistas del Centro de Innovación de Tecsup. Los finalistas llegarán a realizar un demo day con expertos del ecosistema y ganar interesantes premios. Conoce más del concurso aquí

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Embajada de EUA promueve programa de becas para emprendedores

Las postulaciones están abiertas desde el 27 de octubre al 01 de diciembre del 2021 hasta las 10:00 a.m. Conoce más aquí

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HACKATHON -  Lima Segura -  MUNICIPALIDAD DE LIMA.  Aplicaciones hasta el 7 de Noviembre

Dirigido a emprendedores y organizaciones que creen soluciones innovadoras en seguridad ciudadana mediante herramientas digitales o físicas.

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​​​​​Concurso abierto dirigido a estudiantes de universidades e institutos

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Convocatoria -  Artisanal Mining Grand Challenge: the Amazon - CONSERVATION X LABS -  Aplicaciones hasta el 10 de Noviembre.

La competencia tiene como objetivo identificar e impulsar innovaciones  tecnológicas que mejoren las condiciones ambientales, sociales y económicas de la minería artesanal de oro en la Amazonía. El Challenge apunta a probar soluciones en Colombia, Ecuador, Guyana, Perú o Suriname
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Webinar: Metodología y Herramientas de Prototipado Rápido . Evento Internacional Bilateral Tecsup Perú- ITS Cananea México

Fecha:   Martes 23 de Noviembre a las 16:00 Perú - 14:00 Sonora. México.

Inscríbete aquí:



Webinar: Sostenibilidad: La tecnología y la innovación como motor de un nuevo paradigma.

Fecha: Jueves 18 de Noviembre a las 13:00 hora Perú




Evento: MMA Innovate Latam 2021

Fecha: Martes 30 de Noviembre a las 8:00 hora Perú.



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Somos el Centro de Innovación de Tecsup y nuestro objetivo es: Potenciar la "comunidad de innovadores Tecsup” orientando sus acciones hacia el ecosistema innovador y emprendedor regional. #ComunidadDeInnovadores #Tecsup

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Buy Amazon SES Account
09/04/2024 | 15:09

Buy Amazon SES Accounts to Deal Unlimited Dispatch Service
SES is the most cost-effective dispatch service that will help you deal with around 50K Emails perday. However, buy Amazon SES accounts, If you’re a significant business entrepreneur. It’ll be the stylish choice to make your dispatch service more scalable and flexible. Also, it’s the pledge of adding your transactional dispatch dispatches.

Here is my webpage:

still, the SES is the condensation of Amazon Simple Dispatch Service. That indicates the Amazon APIs, SES, and also the attestation. Let’s now know more about this fantastic business runway!

High Configuration
Dashboard Availability
Senders Security
Organized Dispatch entering
Reasons Why You Buy Amazon SES Accounts
While you consult in terms ofe-email garçon operation or IP address, frequently you feel it tough. You need to have an Amazon SES account to deal with these challenges easily. Also, it’ll help you save plutocrat.

Besides, it’ll allow you to avoid bearing the cost of any third- party dispatch way out. So, if you want to attain experience in terms of dispatch network configuration, you must suppose about the Amazon SES.

How You Can Buy Amazon SES Accounts
Go to the Amazon SES point.
produce your SMTP credentials, including a username and word
corroborate your Dispatch
Configure the operation to buy your account.
Now go through their instruction to buy your accounts.
still, you haven’t to pay any plutocrat for your first 62000 Emails, If you talk about the cost to buy Amazon SES. After that, you have to pay only0.10 bones
for each of 1K emails. And, for your 1 GB documents attachments, you have to pay0.12 bones.

We set up it reasonable.

How Amazon SES works
The Amazon SES sends Emails through AWS SDK. It’ll allow you to shoot Emails from the source of Amazon EC2. It keeps transferring Emails from the SMTP interface of Amazon SES.

Also, the Amazon SES will help you control stoner’s access in terms of your dispatch transferring. It’ll also let you store your important emails.

Advantages of Amazon SES
Let us partake with you the benefits you’ll get after having Amazon SES.

Amazon SES will give you the utmost integration for your dispatch service.
The HTML dispatch body of SES will automatically reformat your Dispatch.
still, it’ll give you a press approach while transferring Dispatch, If you want to cover your whole day’s business dispatch exertion.
The setting-friendly approach of SES will drop your setting pressure.
And, plutocrat- saving is another big deal in the case of your SES.
You can customize your Dispatch by creating a template with a simple syntax.
And, you can deal with around 50k Emails each day.
Why You Should Buy Amazon SES Accounts from us?
still, also you should consider buying Amazon SES accounts from us, If you ’re looking for a way to ameliorate your dispatch deliverability and get further out of your dispatch marketing juggernauts. Then are just a many reasons why:

Amazon SES is a largely dependable dispatch service with a great deliverability rate.
Amazon SES accounts come with a number of features that can profit your business, including the capability to shoot emails to multiple donors at formerly and track your dispatch delivery criteria .
Our Amazon SES accounts are competitively priced and come with a plutocrat- reverse satisfaction guarantee.
We offer24/7 client support to help you with any questions or problems you may have.
still, also you should buy Amazon SES accounts from us, If you ’re looking for a dependable and affordable way to ameliorate your dispatch deliverability. We offer a plutocrat- reverse satisfaction guarantee so you can be sure you ’re getting the stylish value for your plutocrat.

Benefits to Buy Amazon SES Accounts from us
still, also you have come to the right place, If you’re looking for a dependable and affordable provider of Amazon SES accounts., we offer a wide range of benefits that make us the ideal choice for your requirements.

Some of the benefits of buying Amazon SES accounts from us include:

Cost-effective: We offer some of the most competitive prices in the request, making our accounts an excellent value for plutocrat.
Fast and easy: The process of buying Amazon SES accounts from us is quick and easy, so you can get started using them right down.
Wide range of options: We offer a wide range of Amazon SES account options to choose from, so you can find the perfect bone
for your requirements.Excellent client service: We flatter ourselves on furnishing excellent client service, so you can be sure that you’ll be taken care of if you have any questions or problems.
Guaranteed satisfaction: We’re confident in the quality of our Amazon SES accounts and offer a plutocrat- reverse satisfaction guarantee, so you can buy with confidence.

still, also bestonlineaccount, If you’re looking for a dependable and affordable provider of Amazon is the perfect choice for you. We offer a wide range of benefits that make us the ideal choice for your requirements.

Will it notify me if my SES is in the sandbox?

Well, to understand whether your SES is in the sandbox, go to https// now, open your Amazon SES. elect now the “ transferring Statistics ” in the navigation bar. Now you can check your account details to see whether it’s in the sandbox or not. And this account status you’ll find right under your account details.

What type of Dispatch should I use for Amazon SES?

It’s an Amazon work correspondence. either, for your operation press, the correspondence disciplines are also available.

Where can I report for my fake Dispatch?

You can shoot your report if you get any phony emails.

Is there any trouble of scamming with Amazon SES accounts?

Well, you’ll find not a single operation where there’s no scamming. But, we suggest you probe or study well before going to deal with website possessors. Know about them, search their client’s review.

Different marketing companies frequently search for a cost-effective way to deal with bulk Dispatch for their guests. So, buy Amazon SES accounts if you’re also looking for the same.

still, it’ll help you drop your cost and help you promote your dispatch marketing too. So, do n’t miss this fantastic dispatch distribution machine tool.
Here is my webpage:

Keyword: Amazon Aws SES Account For Sale, AWS SES Accounts, best Amazon AWS SES Account, Buy Amazon AWS SES Accounts

Digital marketing businesses in California
09/04/2024 | 15:51

Look no further. Our comprehensive list unveils the top <a href="">digital marketing companies</a> meticulously handpicked by expert analysts. With a focus on driving revenue through online channels, these agencies are equipped to elevate your brand presence and boost your bottom line. Explore our curated selection and connect with the perfect partner to unlock your business's full potential.

Situs Bokep
14/04/2024 | 06:13 Ootsuki Hibiki dengan total 1.188 film. Ootsuki diketahui telah berfilm di industri film panas sejak 2008 dimana usianya baru menginjak 19-20 tahunan. Kabarnya, dalam setahun Ootsuki bisa memproduksi setidaknya 120 judul film.

Situs Bokep
14/04/2024 | 07:12 Hatano Yui diketahui debut sebagai pemain film panas saat usianya di rentang 19-20 tahunan. Selama berkarier di dunia film biru, Hatano Yui telah mengeluarkan banyak film. Jika ditotal ia telah memiliki 1.062 film.

Situs Bokep
14/04/2024 | 08:56 Tsubomi telah terjun di industri film JAV. Selama 12 tahun menekuni dunia ini, Tsubomi telah menciptakan 920 film. Wajahnya yang imut dan kekanakkan menjadi ciri khas penampilannya.

Buy Amazon Pay Accounts
14/04/2024 | 15:53

Are you ready to offer Amazon Pay on your website? A lot of people now prefer Amazon Pay for buying stuff and making payments. If your business is not availing of Amazon Pay yet, you might be missing out on potential customers. Obviously, customers won’t create an account in your offered payment gateway just to buy from you. So, it should be you who needs to make sure that your business is grabbing every opportunity to get potential customers. Buy Amazon Pay Accounts Cheap Price.

Here is my website:

Amazon Pay, with solutions, support, and a checkout experience, is recognized by hundreds of millions of Amazon shoppers across the world. It offers businesses more than just a payment solution. It seamlessly works on the web, mobile, and even with voice. You can use one Amazon Pay account for tens of thousands of websites. With its fast, easy, and secure checkout, Amazon Pay has become one of the most convenient payment methods. Buy Amazon Pay Accounts Right now.

Creating an Amazon Pay account is quite easy. However, there’s still a problem remains. You need to own an Amazon Seller Account to avail Amazon Pay for your website. If you don’t have an Amazon Seller Account, you will have to create one and that requires a lot of steps and information. If you don’t want to deal with these hassles at all, you can just buy Amazon Pay accounts from us with business and website information included. We offer the most reliable Amazon Pay account in the business. To find out more details, have a look below. So Buy Amazon Pay Accounts.

Here is my webpage:

Situs Bokep
15/04/2024 | 02:28 Hasumi Kurea Usianya baru 20-21 tahun saat debut sebagai aktris film JAV, dikenal memiliki gaya yang unik dan disukai banyak orang. Ia juga dijuluki sebagai Stamina Otot Kabel dan Tulang Pipa. Hasumi tercatat memiliki kurang lebih 680 film.

Situs Bokep
15/04/2024 | 03:18 Yoshizawa Akiho menjadi bintang JAV selanjutnya yang debut di usia yang sangat muda yakni 18-19 tahun. Akiho bertahan kurang lebih 15 tahun di industri ini dan telah menghasilkan 634 film.