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Centro de Innovación Tecsup


Noviembre presenta novedades, eventos y  actividades en el ecosistema de innovación, y en Tecsup te mantenemos al tanto con el Bits de Innovación. ¡Sigamos haciendo crecer la comunidad de Innovadores!

Tecsup promueve Hackathon detección del stress académico en covid

En esta competencia estudiantes podrán ayudar a detectar el stress ocasionado en clases en tiempo de Covid - 19. Conoce más aquí

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Emprendimiento en desarrollo de videojuegos

Oportunidad para innovar y emprender en este sector en nuestro país. Conoce más aquí

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Tecsup lanzó su segunda de edición de Challenge y captó 31 iniciativas

Alumnos de las 3 sedes de Tecsup presentaron sus propuestas, fueron 31 iniciativas y compiten en el challenge que busca soluciones para reactivar la economía y generar empleo post covid . Este concurso incluye también la realización de talleres dirigidos a los equipos y mentoría de especialistas del Centro de Innovación de Tecsup. Los finalistas llegarán a realizar un demo day con expertos del ecosistema y ganar interesantes premios. Conoce más del concurso aquí

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Embajada de EUA promueve programa de becas para emprendedores

Las postulaciones están abiertas desde el 27 de octubre al 01 de diciembre del 2021 hasta las 10:00 a.m. Conoce más aquí

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HACKATHON -  Lima Segura -  MUNICIPALIDAD DE LIMA.  Aplicaciones hasta el 7 de Noviembre

Dirigido a emprendedores y organizaciones que creen soluciones innovadoras en seguridad ciudadana mediante herramientas digitales o físicas.

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​​​​​Concurso abierto dirigido a estudiantes de universidades e institutos

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Convocatoria -  Artisanal Mining Grand Challenge: the Amazon - CONSERVATION X LABS -  Aplicaciones hasta el 10 de Noviembre.

La competencia tiene como objetivo identificar e impulsar innovaciones  tecnológicas que mejoren las condiciones ambientales, sociales y económicas de la minería artesanal de oro en la Amazonía. El Challenge apunta a probar soluciones en Colombia, Ecuador, Guyana, Perú o Suriname
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Webinar: Metodología y Herramientas de Prototipado Rápido . Evento Internacional Bilateral Tecsup Perú- ITS Cananea México

Fecha:   Martes 23 de Noviembre a las 16:00 Perú - 14:00 Sonora. México.

Inscríbete aquí:



Webinar: Sostenibilidad: La tecnología y la innovación como motor de un nuevo paradigma.

Fecha: Jueves 18 de Noviembre a las 13:00 hora Perú




Evento: MMA Innovate Latam 2021

Fecha: Martes 30 de Noviembre a las 8:00 hora Perú.



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Somos el Centro de Innovación de Tecsup y nuestro objetivo es: Potenciar la "comunidad de innovadores Tecsup” orientando sus acciones hacia el ecosistema innovador y emprendedor regional. #ComunidadDeInnovadores #Tecsup

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08/05/2024 | 08:48 Dari tampilan kekanak-kanakan, Alessandra Jane tumbuh menjadi bayi seksi yang tidak bisa dilewatkan. Dia memulai karirnya pada usia 19 tahun, sebelumnya dia bekerja sebagai asisten di sebuah perusahaan proyek. Dia memiliki payudara A-cup kecil yang mungil tetapi kemudian, dia meningkatkannya menjadi payudara D-cup penuh yang bagus. Dia dulu bekerja dengan banyak nama samaran seperti Alessandra Cherry atau Tatiana Maier sehingga tidak mudah untuk menemukan semua filmnya. Beberapa distributor yang pernah berkolaborasi dengannya adalah Lesbea, Sunset Media, DDF, dan Dia unggul khususnya dalam video lesbian dan masturbasi dia juga bereksperimen dengan adegan seks berkelompok menampilkan bintang bokep Rusia terbaik. Anda mungkin pernah melihatnya di film seperti Swingers Surga, Pasangan Merayu Pasangan 20, dan Nakal 3somes 3.

08/05/2024 | 10:20 Jika Anda menyukai wanita pirang dewasa dengan payudara besar, gadis Rusia ini akan menyenangkan Anda dalam banyak hal. Beberapa sumber mengatakan dia memiliki ukuran cup G, bahkan ada yang mengatakan cangkir H! Dia mungkin yang memiliki payudara terbesar di antara bintang bokep Rusia terpanas. Tak heran ia masuk nominasi AVN Fan Award dalam kategori Payudara Paling Spektakuler. Sebagai bintang sejati, dia sangat menikmati pekerjaannya di industri ini. Casca Akashova memulai karirnya ketika dia berusia 34 tahun dan dia menjaga tubuhnya tetap bugar dan seksi berkat latihan harian dengan pelatih pribadi.

08/05/2024 | 12:00

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09/05/2024 | 01:34 Cewek seksi Telari Love cukup a bintang bokep baru di industri dewasa arus utama tetapi dia dengan cepat mendapatkan banyak pengikut. Ada rumor sebelumnya dia bekerja sebagai penari telanjang selama studinya. Anda tidak dapat salah mengira dia sebagai orang lain, karena dia memiliki tato unik gurita warna-warni di pantatnya dengan tentakel mencapai bagian belakang setiap paha. Apakah ini salah satunya pantat terpanas di industri? Dia telah memperbesar payudaranya tetapi tidak ada yang berlebihan, hanya ukuran B-cup yang bagus.

09/05/2024 | 03:27 Apakah Anda menyukai gadis jangkung dengan mata menawan dan mulut sensual? Ini model pirang panas memiliki semua ini dan banyak lagi! Penampilannya yang natural namun seksi dilengkapi dengan indahnya payudara naturalnya. Elena Koshka memasuki industri ini pada usia 23 tahun dan pada tahun berikutnya ia memperoleh nominasi AVN pertamanya dalam kategori Pendatang Baru Terpanas. Dan sejak itu dia menerima banyak nominasi lainnya atas penampilannya yang menakjubkan. Hal ini tidak mengherankan, karena ini bintang bokep Rusia yang berbakat telah memfilmkan banyak adegan hardcore termasuk tenggorokan dalam, fetish, dan lesbian. Jika Anda menginginkan pengalaman sensual nyata untuk orang dewasa, Anda tidak akan kecewa.

09/05/2024 | 06:10 Anda mungkin mengenal wanita cantik Rusia kurus ini juga sebagai Doris Ivy atau Lisa. Ketika dia masih muda dia ingin menjadi guru bahasa asing tetapi ketika dia berusia delapan belas tahun dia mulai bekerja sebagai model webcam. Kesuksesannya membawanya ke beberapa produser film bokep dan kemudian ia mendapatkan peran pertamanya pada tahun 2012, hanya dua tahun setelah ia kehilangan keperawanannya. Gina Gerson menyukai seks, sama seperti setiap wanita dalam daftar bintang bokep Rusia terpanas kami. Tapi Gina menyukai banyak jenis seks yang berbeda seperti yang dia katakan. Kecintaannya yang lain adalah yoga dan dia bahkan menggabungkan kedua minat ini dalam videonya.

09/05/2024 | 08:13 Jika ada satu hal yang harus kita soroti sejak awal, itu adalah payudara Lilya. Payudaranya alami namun besar dan bentuknya sempurna. Liya Silver memiliki banyak tato di tubuhnya yang berbentuk sempurna. Sebelum memasuki industri dewasa dia bekerja sebagai glamor dan foto model. Kemudian pada usia sembilan belas tahun, dia merekam video bokep pertamanya. Dia dengan cepat menjadi bintang sungguhan, dan lebih sering tampil di antara yang lainnya bintang bokep top Eropa. Selain banyak nominasi, dia adalah pemenang beberapa penghargaan. Dia telah memenangkan dua penghargaan AVN – Adegan dewasa Laki-Laki/Perempuan Pemotretan Asing Terbaik dan Bintang Muda Asing Baru Terbaik pada tahun 2020.

10/05/2024 | 00:54 Bintang bokep kelahiran Rusia ini pindah ke Prancis saat ia berusia sepuluh tahun dan besar di sana. Sebelum Anna polina memulai karirnya sebagai aktris dewasa dia mencoba stripping dan model erotis. Dua tahun setelah dia memasuki industri ini, dia meningkatkan payudaranya dari A cup ke D. Apakah Anda menyukai rambut hitam panjang dan payudara besar? Mari kita lihat lebih dekat. Dia telah bekerja dengan perusahaan terkenal seperti Brazzers, Marcel Dorsel, dan mofos. Anna Polina adalah gadis yang giat, selain karir aktingnya dia telah muncul di beberapa video musik dan mengadakan acara radio. Pada tahun 2012 ia memenangkan Penghargaan XBIZ untuk Penampil Wanita Asing Terbaik Tahun Ini dan dua tahun kemudian Penghargaan AVN.

10/05/2024 | 02:35 akhirnya sesuatu untuk pecinta berambut merah! Anda akan jatuh cinta pada rambut merah alaminya, mata hijaunya yang menakjubkan, kulitnya yang putih, dan payudaranya yang kecil dan lucu. Jia Lisa lahir di Rusia tetapi tidak seperti bintang bokep top Rusia lainnya yang pindah ke Amerika, dia saat ini tinggal di Hongaria. Sebelum dia menjadi a bintang bokep berambut merah top, dia belajar musik dan dia adalah pemain gitar akustik. Ketika dia berusia 21 tahun dia memutuskan untuk menunjukkan kecantikannya di layar dengan telanjang bulat.

10/05/2024 | 04:15 Bayi Rusia ini suka cosplay, dan telinga foxy terlihat sangat seksi saat dipakai! Dia menjalin hubungan terbuka dan menikmati syuting video dengan pasangannya. Sweetie Fox paling menyukai tema ayah, BDSM, permainan peran, dan pekerjaan pukulan. Video nya ditonton lebih dari 1 miliar kali pada awal tahun 2024, dan ini sungguh luar biasa! Pantas saja dia memenangkan penghargaan untuknya Favorit Cosplayer pada tahun 2022. Pada tahun 2024 dia dinominasikan untuk dua AVN Fan Awards – untuk Favorit Cosplayer dan Payudara Paling Spektakuler. Tidak diragukan lagi gadis licik ini memiliki masa depan cerah di industri dewasa. Selain membuat video untuk dewasa dan cosplay, dia juga memiliki hobi tidak biasa lainnya seperti anggar bersejarah dan hewan peliharaan eksotis.

10/05/2024 | 05:25 Di bagian paling atas daftar kami tidak lain adalah yang terkenal Eva Elfie, salah satu aktris terpopuler di situs bokep. Meskipun dia memulai karirnya hanya beberapa tahun yang lalu, dia dengan cepat mendapatkan basis penggemar yang besar. Ketika dia berumur delapan belas tahun dia mencoba pemotretan telanjang diikuti dengan syuting adegan masturbasi di Republik Ceko. Setelah kembali ke Moskow, ia memulai saluran bokep yang dengan cepat menjadi populer. Dia telah membuat film untuk nama-nama terkenal seperti Brazzers, Nubiles, Amour Angles, Reality Kings dan lain-lain.

10/05/2024 | 07:01 Apakah seseorang mengatakan gadis Ceko adalah yang terbaik? Karena ini dia Alexis Crystal, salah satu bintang bokep Ceko terpanas dalam dekade terakhir! Selama lebih dari sepuluh tahun, kita dapat mengagumi senyumnya yang indah dan payudara kecil yang indah dalam aksi-aksi hardcore. Dia memulai karirnya hanya beberapa minggu setelah ulang tahunnya yang ke-18 dan juga dengan cepat menjadi permintaan dari produksi bokep terbesar di Eropa.

Travis Faulk
10/05/2024 | 16:21

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Buy Hetzner Account
11/05/2024 | 01:10

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Buy Oracle cloud accounts
12/05/2024 | 15:20

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Buy Oracle Cloud Account
Hello!! You are trying to buy Oracle cloud account. We are always here to help you relax. Oracle Cloud is the best Oracle Cloud account that we sell. Oracle has validated the legitimacy of all of our products. Take advantage of these deals now.
Buy Oracle Cloud Accounts

Oracle Cloud: What is it?
Oracle Cloud provides a cloud platform and infrastructure. It is provided by Oracle Corporation. Oracle Cloud offers many cloud-based solutions that allow companies to launch and manage applications in the cloud. These include computing, storage and networking.

Oracle Cloud provides a variety of deployment models for cloud computing, such as public, hybrid, or private clouds. Oracle Cloud supports many workloads ranging from simple corporate applications to web-based applications. The company also offers a variety of services and tools to assist businesses in managing their cloud infrastructure. These include security, monitoring, automation and automation tools.

Oracle Cloud relies on a secure, reliable network of data centres that are designed to provide high performance with low latency. Oracle Cloud offers a flexible selection of deployment options, supports many programming languages, frameworks and allows companies to choose the cloud services they need.

What is Oracle Cloud Accounting?
Cloud-based software Oracle Cloud ERP offers integrated apps for managing and automating financial, operational and supply chain process. This software is a flexible and complete solution to streamline corporate processes and increase profitability.

ERP modules cover all areas of management including financial, procurement, project, inventory, supply chain, customer service, human resources, and management of the business. The ERP suite of modules aims to provide actionable data that will support business decisions, automate key processes and give businesses real-time insights into their operation.

Buy Verified Oracle Cloud Account
A verified Oracle Cloud Account opens the door to powerful cloud services. The right Oracle Cloud Account unlocks the potential of any entrepreneur looking to take advantage of cutting-edge AI or developer wanting to develop scalable apps, as well as corporations seeking to expand their infrastructure.

In the digital world, trust is key. This is why verified accounts are the standard. You can rest assured that you are putting your project on the foundation of compliance and reliability by choosing a verified account.

Your purchase with the right supplier is more than a simple transaction. It’s an opportunity for innovation and growth.

Features Of Oracle Cloud Account For Sale
Oracle Cloud Accounts are a great way to boost your business. The Oracle Cloud accounts are designed for unmatched scalability, which is a great benefit for companies looking to grow without having to worry about physical hardware.

The user has access to an extensive range of services, including AI-driven analytics of data, integrated security, and diverse applications that are tailored for different industries. The flexibility of payment plans allows companies to find the plan which best suits their needs and budget.

Investment in Oracle Cloud accounts is an important strategic decision that will streamline operations while maximizing the advantages of a high-performance, secure cloud environment.

You can purchase Oracle Cloud Accounts from us if you want to begin a journey of new experiences with the most reliable Oracle Cloud Hosting. They are offering verified and supported accounts for all countries with support from customer service. offers the most reliable Oracle Cloud Accounts for Sale with Cloud Solutions.

What are the benefits of buying Oracle Cloud Account from us?
Oracle Cloud is the perfect platform to help you navigate into this digital world. This powerful cloud computing resource will enrich your business with cutting-edge technology and high levels of efficiency.
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Buy Oracle Cloud Account

Our service will procure an Oracle Cloud Account for you. You’ll be working with a company that is known for its unwavering dedication to the customer and meticulous attention to their needs. With our streamlined process and unmatched support after sales, the path to cloud enablement is not only easy but highly rewarding.

Quick Delivery
Your order was processed quickly. As a result, your account will be available as soon you make a purchase. It can take 10-30 minutes depending on your circumstances.

High Quality:

Our accounts are 100% working and of high quality.

We will help you grow your business online, backed by our commitment to quality and integrity.

Support for Customers:

Our Oracle Cloud Account will allow you to receive the best customer service available, 24/7. Our customer service is unmatched and tailored to the needs of our clients, no matter their experience level.

We will be your cornerstone for building your digital architecture, propelling towards an era where performance meets potential in cloud services.

Get the Best Delivery with Fastest Quality
When you purchase an Oracle Cloud Account, you are stepping in a world of computing power that can meet diverse business requirements. The delivery process has been streamlined in order to provide clients with their account quickly, but without compromising on quality.

The cloud is a smooth transition thanks to tailored solutions and rapid service provisioning. The support that comes with these accounts will be of the highest quality, and any questions or concerns you may have are promptly addressed. Oracle Cloud Services empowers companies to stay competitive and operate efficiently, whether it is for application development or data storage.

Fair Price
Businesses that want to scale and innovate must invest in a solid cloud infrastructure. Oracle Cloud Accounts can give businesses a competitive advantage, but finding the right one for a reasonable price is not easy. Although many vendors provide attractive offers, caution should be exercised as not all of them deliver on the value they promise.

Smart buyers know that it is important to balance cost and features. They want a complete package, but without the added financial strain. A thorough comparison and research of providers will help you find deals that are not only within your budget, but that also provide the support and reliability that growing businesses need.

Oracle Cloud accounts should only be chosen if you have a clear understanding of your current and future needs.

Individual Accounts
Potential buyers of Oracle Cloud Accounts should be aware of the differences between individual accounts when evaluating the purchase. They are tailored solutions that meet the specific computing and storage requirements of independent contractors and project managers, as well as solo entrepreneurs.

Oracle Cloud Individual Accounts give users access to an extensive suite of services and applications designed to improve productivity and streamline workflows. Every account provides a safe, scalable environment for critical applications. It also allows users to adapt resources according to changing demands.

To make an informed choice, you must evaluate your personal or professional goals against the pricing and features of the accounts. You should also ensure that the service chosen is aligned with the specific needs and growth anticipated.

Constant Customer Assistance 24/7
Our services are designed to provide you with unmatched support and ensure that your Oracle Cloud journey is smooth. Our round-the-clock support means you can get help no matter what time zone or how complex your issue is.

oracle cloud account For Sale

We have a team of experts who are ready to help you with every step. They will offer tailored solutions, and resolve any issues quickly. We are committed to providing the best possible cloud service.

You can be confident that the Oracle Cloud is managed by professionals who are focused on efficiency and reliability.

The right cloud service provider can be a crucial step in elevating a business’ digital infrastructure. Oracle Cloud is a reliable option that offers a wide range of tailored solutions to meet diverse requirements. For organizations looking to expand their cloud capabilities investing in Oracle Cloud can be an excellent strategic decision.

The robust platform of Oracle Cloud is built to simplify operations, promote innovation and allow for the necessary scalability to meet changing market needs. Oracle Cloud gives enterprises access to the latest technology that allows them to remain ahead of their competition, while maintaining data security and compliance.

Oracle Cloud accounts are not only a way to get started in a cloud-based environment. They’re also a step towards a more transformative future.

FAQ: Of Buy Oracle Cloud Account
What is an Oracle Cloud account?
Visit the Oracle Cloud site, select ‘Sign in’ and then ‘Create an Account for Free’. Then follow the instructions to sign up.

Is Oracle Cloud Account Free?
Oracle Cloud provides a free account that has limited services and resource access. This includes unlimited free services and credits.

What is the cost of implementing Oracle Cloud?
Oracle Cloud costs vary depending on the services selected, your specific requirements, and even how large you want to go. Prices range between a few thousands and several millions of dollars. Contact Oracle or an authorized partner for a quote.

What is the Oracle Cloud Payment Method?
Log into your Oracle Cloud Account and navigate to the Billing section. Select a payment option such as a credit card or e-transfer. To complete the payment, save your information and confirm the transaction.

Can I Buy An Oracle Cloud Account Online?
Oracle Cloud Accounts can be bought through Oracle’s official website, or from authorized resellers.

Oracle Cloud accounts offer a variety of advantages for your company, from advanced security to scalable resources. Take advantage of a more intelligent, dynamic cloud infrastructure. Innovative solutions will propel the growth of your business in the future when you buy Oracle Cloud Accounts.

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William Sullivan
13/05/2024 | 15:22

MTG Arena isn't just a game – it's a vibrant community of passionate players and creators. With our MTG Arena videos, you can connect with like-minded enthusiasts and share your love for the game. Engage in discussions, exchange strategies, and forge lasting friendships as you explore epic battles together. Your account is your ticket to becoming part of this thriving community. Join us now and dive into the excitement of MTG Arena. for more information visit :

16/05/2024 | 04:19

Buy Oracle Cloud Accounts
18/05/2024 | 04:46

Buy Oracle Cloud Accounts
Hello!! Do you want to buy Oracle cloud-based account? Since we’re here and you are able to unwind. We offer the best Oracle cloud accounts. Therefore, you can purchase OracleCloud accounts through us. Our Oracle account has validated the legitimacy of all product we sell. Thus, make the most of our discounts right away. Buy OracleCloud Accounts From our

What is Oracle Cloud?
Oracle Cloud is a cloud-based platform and infrastructure designed that supports cloud computing offered through Oracle Corporation. It is a suite of cloud-based solutions that businesses could use to build or launch their apps and services on the cloud. This includes networking, computing, storage applications, security, and more.

Buy Oracle cloud account

Oracle Cloud offers a number types of cloud deployment which include private, public cloud, and hybrid. It is able to handle a broad range of tasks, ranging from simple web-based applications to more complex enterprise applications. The platform also offers a variety of solutions and services that assist businesses in managing their cloud infrastructure. This includes security, automation and monitoring tools.

Oracle Cloud is based on the collection of data centers that is secure, reliable and designed to offer the highest performance with low latency. It provides a range of flexible deployment options and supports a wide range of frameworks and programming languages as well as allowing enterprises to pick which cloud services most closely match their needs.
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