Noviembre presenta novedades, eventos y actividades en el ecosistema de innovación, y en Tecsup te mantenemos al tanto con el Bits de Innovación. ¡Sigamos haciendo crecer la comunidad de Innovadores!

Tecsup promueve Hackathon detección del stress académico en covid
En esta competencia estudiantes podrán ayudar a detectar el stress ocasionado en clases en tiempo de Covid - 19. Conoce más aquí
Emprendimiento en desarrollo de videojuegos
Oportunidad para innovar y emprender en este sector en nuestro país. Conoce más aquí
Tecsup lanzó su segunda de edición de Challenge y captó 31 iniciativas
Alumnos de las 3 sedes de Tecsup presentaron sus propuestas, fueron 31 iniciativas y compiten en el challenge que busca soluciones para reactivar la economía y generar empleo post covid . Este concurso incluye también la realización de talleres dirigidos a los equipos y mentoría de especialistas del Centro de Innovación de Tecsup. Los finalistas llegarán a realizar un demo day con expertos del ecosistema y ganar interesantes premios. Conoce más del concurso aquí
Embajada de EUA promueve programa de becas para emprendedores
Las postulaciones están abiertas desde el 27 de octubre al 01 de diciembre del 2021 hasta las 10:00 a.m. Conoce más aquí
HACKATHON - Lima Segura - MUNICIPALIDAD DE LIMA. Aplicaciones hasta el 7 de Noviembre
Dirigido a emprendedores y organizaciones que creen soluciones innovadoras en seguridad ciudadana mediante herramientas digitales o físicas.
Concurso abierto dirigido a estudiantes de universidades e institutos
Convocatoria - Artisanal Mining Grand Challenge: the Amazon - CONSERVATION X LABS - Aplicaciones hasta el 10 de Noviembre.
La competencia tiene como objetivo identificar e impulsar innovaciones tecnológicas que mejoren las condiciones ambientales, sociales y económicas de la minería artesanal de oro en la Amazonía. El Challenge apunta a probar soluciones en Colombia, Ecuador, Guyana, Perú o Suriname
Webinar: Metodología y Herramientas de Prototipado Rápido . Evento Internacional Bilateral Tecsup Perú- ITS Cananea México
Fecha: Martes 23 de Noviembre a las 16:00 Perú - 14:00 Sonora. México.
Inscríbete aquí: https://forms.gle/o9TrKps3ZdxVNmMr5
Webinar: Sostenibilidad: La tecnología y la innovación como motor de un nuevo paradigma.
Fecha: Jueves 18 de Noviembre a las 13:00 hora Perú
Enlace: https://www.eventbrite.es/e/sostenibilidad-la-tecnologia-y-la-innovacion-como-motor-de-un-nuevo-paradigma-tickets-191783749357
Evento: MMA Innovate Latam 2021
Fecha: Martes 30 de Noviembre a las 8:00 hora Perú.
Enlace: https://www.mmaglobal.com/innovatelatam2021
Si tienes una iniciativa, proyecto o deseas apoyo para diseñar tu propuesta innovadora estamos para ayudarte, contáctanos a: innovacion@tecsup.edu.pe. Así también háganos llegar sus sugerencias y hechos de interés a: innovacion@tecsup.edu.pe.
Somos el Centro de Innovación de Tecsup y nuestro objetivo es: Potenciar la "comunidad de innovadores Tecsup” orientando sus acciones hacia el ecosistema innovador y emprendedor regional. #ComunidadDeInnovadores #Tecsup
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Is Online Poker Legal in Virginia? | Slots Review 2023
Is Online Poker Legal in Virginia? Online Poker has gained immense popularity in recent years, offering players the opportunity to enjoy their favorite card game conveniently from the comfort of their homes.
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Is Online Poker Legal in Kansas? | 101CasinoReviews
Is Online Poker Legal in Kansas? Online poker has gained significant popularity in recent years, attracting players from all around the world. However, the legality of online poker varies from one jurisdiction to another.
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The Dog Lover’s Guide to Dating
Are you a dog lover looking for some romantic comedy with a canine twist? If so, “The Dog Lover’s Guide to Dating” is the perfect show for you! This delightful series combines the joy of finding love with the charm of our four-legged friends
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Is Online Poker Legal in Kansas? | 101CasinoReviews
Is Online Poker Legal in Kansas? Online poker has gained significant popularity in recent years, attracting players from all around the world. However, the legality of online poker varies from one jurisdiction to another.
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What Kills Long-Distance Relationships | Datinggroup
What Kills Long-Distance Relationships, characterized by geographical separation between partners, can be both challenging and rewarding.
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Can You Cash a Casino Voucher Online? | Casino Poker
Can You Cash a Casino Voucher Online? Imagine winning a substantial amount of money at a casino and receiving a voucher instead of immediate cash. Many gamblers have found themselves in this situation, wondering how to turn their casino vouchers into real money.
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Who is More Loyal Male or Female In A Relationship. Loyalty is a fundamental aspect of any healthy and successful relationship. It is a quality that reflects a person’s faithfulness, commitment, and devotion to their partner.
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What Online Casino Accepts Cash App. In recent years, online gambling has gained immense popularity, attracting millions of players worldwide. With the convenience of digital transactions, people are now seeking secure and reliable payment methods to fund their online casino activities.
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Can You Redeem Casino Vouchers Online? Casino vouchers are a popular way for players to enjoy the excitement and entertainment of a casino experience
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Does Hawaii Have Casinos? Hawaii, with its stunning natural beauty and vibrant culture, is a dream destination for many. However, when it comes to casinos and gambling, Hawaii stands apart from most other states.
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How Do You Spell Casino? When it comes to spelling, even the most proficient writers may stumble upon certain words that leave them perplexed. One such word that often raises questions is “casino.”
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What Casinos Have Coin Pushers? Are you a fan of arcade games and the thrill of casinos? If so, you may be wondering which casinos offer the popular game of coin pushers. Coin pushers, also known as coin dozers, are mechanical arcade games
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Why Do Casinos Have to Be on Water: Exploring the Tradition and Legalities
Why Do Casinos Have to Be on Water? Have you ever wondered why some casinos are located on water? It seems like a peculiar requirement, considering that gambling doesn’t necessarily need to take place near bodies of water.
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X Games Casino: Experience the Thrill of Online Gambling 2023
In today’s digital era, online casinos have gained immense popularity as a convenient and exciting way to enjoy gambling experiences. One such online casino that stands out from the rest is X Games Casino.
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Milky Way Casino Game: A Stellar Adventure in Gambling
Are you ready to embark on an extraordinary journey through the vast expanse of the Milky Way while experiencing the thrill of casino games? Look no further! Milky Way Casino Game brings you an immersive and out-of-this-world gambling experience like no other.
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Casino Game Crossword Clue: Unveiling the World of Casino Games
Casino Game Crossword Clue Are you a crossword enthusiast searching for the answer to the crossword clue “Casino Game“? Look no further! In this article, we will delve into the captivating realm of casino games, exploring popular options, strategies, and the thrilling atmosphere of these games of chance.
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Games Like Cashman Casino: The Ultimate Entertainment Experience
Are you a fan of the thrilling experience that Games Like Cashman Casino? Do you find yourself captivated by its exciting games, generous rewards, and engaging gameplay? If so, you’ll be thrilled to discover a world of similar games that provide the same level of entertainment and enjoyment.
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Inclave Casino Games: A Thrilling Experience for Online Gamblers
Casino games have long been a source of entertainment and excitement for gamblers around the world. With the advent of technology, online casinos have gained immense popularity, offering convenience and a wide range of games to players
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Game Vault Casino Online: A Gaming Paradise at Your Fingertips
Are you a passionate gamer looking for an exhilarating online casino experience? Look no further than Game Vault Casino Online! With its vast array of thrilling games, generous bonuses, and seamless user interface, Game Vault Casino Online is your ultimate destination for unparalleled gaming entertainment.
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Lucky Duck Casino Game: A Fun and Rewarding Experience
Are you ready to try your luck and win big? Look no further than the exciting world of the Lucky Duck Casino Game. In this article, we will explore the captivating features, thrilling gameplay, and enticing rewards that await you in this popular casino game.
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