Opinión por:
Centro de Innovación Tecsup


Noviembre presenta novedades, eventos y  actividades en el ecosistema de innovación, y en Tecsup te mantenemos al tanto con el Bits de Innovación. ¡Sigamos haciendo crecer la comunidad de Innovadores!

Tecsup promueve Hackathon detección del stress académico en covid

En esta competencia estudiantes podrán ayudar a detectar el stress ocasionado en clases en tiempo de Covid - 19. Conoce más aquí

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Emprendimiento en desarrollo de videojuegos

Oportunidad para innovar y emprender en este sector en nuestro país. Conoce más aquí

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Tecsup lanzó su segunda de edición de Challenge y captó 31 iniciativas

Alumnos de las 3 sedes de Tecsup presentaron sus propuestas, fueron 31 iniciativas y compiten en el challenge que busca soluciones para reactivar la economía y generar empleo post covid . Este concurso incluye también la realización de talleres dirigidos a los equipos y mentoría de especialistas del Centro de Innovación de Tecsup. Los finalistas llegarán a realizar un demo day con expertos del ecosistema y ganar interesantes premios. Conoce más del concurso aquí

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Embajada de EUA promueve programa de becas para emprendedores

Las postulaciones están abiertas desde el 27 de octubre al 01 de diciembre del 2021 hasta las 10:00 a.m. Conoce más aquí

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HACKATHON -  Lima Segura -  MUNICIPALIDAD DE LIMA.  Aplicaciones hasta el 7 de Noviembre

Dirigido a emprendedores y organizaciones que creen soluciones innovadoras en seguridad ciudadana mediante herramientas digitales o físicas.

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​​​​​Concurso abierto dirigido a estudiantes de universidades e institutos

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Convocatoria -  Artisanal Mining Grand Challenge: the Amazon - CONSERVATION X LABS -  Aplicaciones hasta el 10 de Noviembre.

La competencia tiene como objetivo identificar e impulsar innovaciones  tecnológicas que mejoren las condiciones ambientales, sociales y económicas de la minería artesanal de oro en la Amazonía. El Challenge apunta a probar soluciones en Colombia, Ecuador, Guyana, Perú o Suriname
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Webinar: Metodología y Herramientas de Prototipado Rápido . Evento Internacional Bilateral Tecsup Perú- ITS Cananea México

Fecha:   Martes 23 de Noviembre a las 16:00 Perú - 14:00 Sonora. México.

Inscríbete aquí:



Webinar: Sostenibilidad: La tecnología y la innovación como motor de un nuevo paradigma.

Fecha: Jueves 18 de Noviembre a las 13:00 hora Perú




Evento: MMA Innovate Latam 2021

Fecha: Martes 30 de Noviembre a las 8:00 hora Perú.



Si tienes una iniciativa, proyecto o deseas apoyo para diseñar tu propuesta innovadora estamos para ayudarte, contáctanos a: Así también háganos llegar sus sugerencias y ​​​​hechos de interés a:

Somos el Centro de Innovación de Tecsup y nuestro objetivo es: Potenciar la "comunidad de innovadores Tecsup” orientando sus acciones hacia el ecosistema innovador y emprendedor regional. #ComunidadDeInnovadores #Tecsup

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10/09/2023 | 13:46

If you are wondering how to fall asleep quickly or how to get goosebumps, then this asmr video is for you. It is just designed for better sleep and relaxation, as well as goosebumps. Various ASMR triggers will help you fall asleep: whispers, hand movements, hand sounds, facial massage, bedtime care, ear to ear asmr, spa asmr, <a href=''>akerke</a&gt; head massage.

16/09/2023 | 14:13

If you are wondering how to fall asleep quickly or how to get goosebumps, then this asmr video is for you. It is just designed for better sleep and relaxation, as well as goosebumps. Various ASMR triggers will help you fall asleep: whispers, hand movements, hand sounds, facial massage, bedtime care, ear to ear asmr, spa asmr, akerke <a href=''>Nazerke</a&gt; head massage.

Buy Azure Account
24/09/2023 | 02:36

Hey! In my honest opinion, we are the only option. Buy an Azure account from us with confidence because we have the best Microsoft Azure accounts available. We offer you the option to purchase Azure accounts. Therefore, now is the best time to buy an Azure account.
We provide fully authenticated Azure accounts.
Our account is fully operational and operational.
It is a brand-new account with no prior history.
It is a trial account for one month.
Additionally, it can be transformed into limitless bandwidths.
The US is where this account is located.
It has a $200 credit when you buy it.
All nations are supported.
To verify, a special USA phone number was employed.
With the help of an identity card, we confirmed the account.
A legitimate card has already been added as the payment method.
VPS can be created indefinitely.
Apps can be made indefinitely.
There is also a recovery email address included.
The account was made using a unique IP address.
Our 24-hour replacement guarantee is available.

<a href="">Buy Azure Account</a>

Buy Digital ocean Account
28/09/2023 | 18:00

Are you a newcomer in development? Do you want to be a good developer who is looking for a digital ocean account? Every developer wants the best quality cloud hosting platform. As like with every developer, I think that you are searching for the best quality cloud computing service for your website.As a service holder, we suggest a digital ocean account for your website. We are giving high-quality cloud computing service by digital ocean account. You can buy a digital ocean account from our best-quality platform.

Buy Amazon AWS Account
08/10/2023 | 14:52

Are you looking for<b><a href="; rel="Nofollow">Buy Amazon AWS Account</a></b> for your business or website? Then, you have come to the right place. We can provide you with fully verified EC2-enabled Amazon AWS accounts at a very reasonable price. If you are eager to know more, you can take a look at the details.

Things You Will Receive

The delivery will be sent to you via email.
You will be given full authority over the account.
The login credentials of the Amazon AWS account will be provided to you.
The recovery information will be included in the delivery as well.
Lastly, you will receive our earnest customer support.

Buy DigitalOcean Account
11/10/2023 | 06:38

<a href="">Buy DigitalOcean Account</a>

Are you looking for DigitalOcean accounts for your business or website? Then, you have hit the right place. We can provide you with fully verified DigitalOcean accounts at a very reasonable price. If you are curious, you can take a look at the details.

Details of Our DigitalOcean Account

We offer 100% genuine accounts.
It is active and ready to use instantly.
The account is completely verified.
It comes with $100 free credit.
It comes with an added billing method.
Our DigitalOcean account has port 25 accounts activated for email marketing purposes.
You can create unlimited droplets with our DigitalOcean account.
You can access this account from any region.
Recovery information was added to maximize the security of the account.
A real and dedicated IP address was used to create the account.
We provide 24 hours replacement guarantee.

Buy DigitalOcean Account
12/10/2023 | 05:24

<a href="">Buy DigitalOcean Account</a>

Are you looking for DigitalOcean accounts for your business or website? Then, you have hit the right place. We can provide you with fully verified DigitalOcean accounts at a very reasonable price. If you are curious, you can take a look at the details.

Details of Our DigitalOcean Account

We offer 100% genuine accounts.
It is active and ready to use instantly.
The account is completely verified.
It comes with $100 free credit.
It comes with an added billing method.
Our DigitalOcean account has port 25 accounts activated for email marketing purposes.
You can create unlimited droplets with our DigitalOcean account.
You can access this account from any region.
Recovery information was added to maximize the security of the account.
A real and dedicated IP address was used to create the account.
We provide 24 hours replacement guarantee.

Qtera Mandiri
18/10/2023 | 02:25

Penyimpanan data di cloud semakin umum, tetapi ini juga meningkatkan risiko kerentanan keamanan. Strategi terkini dalam keamanan cloud melibatkan penggunaan otentikasi ganda, enkripsi data di istirahat dan saat istirahat, serta pemantauan lalu lintas data untuk mendeteksi aktivitas yang mencurigakan.

Buy vultr accounts
25/10/2023 | 12:14

You can buy Vultr account at Vultr by applying the$ 200 perk toward your purchase. Our delivery times are short, and you ’ll save a lot of time with your purchase. Get vultr accounts moment.Vultr is a popular hosting service for some guests. There are a many merchandisers where you can Buy VultrAccount.However, it may be a perfect choice, If you ’re looking for the fastest and most effective devoted garçon for your website.

30/10/2023 | 01:45

Have a romantic date or wild hot action in bed with the stunning Escort with models and celebrity like beauty at any slash of night and day. Enjoy the confidential and safe meet with the call girls in Aligarh at highly reasonable prices at the luxurious 3* 4* & 5* hotel of the city. Go on to have the hottest and exhilarating erotic time with the escorts at low prices that are not too hard to afford.

Cryptocurrency marketing agencies
06/11/2023 | 18:12

In today’s fast-paced digital world, cryptocurrency marketing agencies are the new sheriffs in town. They’re guiding businesses on the path to success, from the realms of Bitcoin to the essence of branding. These agencies are more than just a buzzword; they’re a powerful force that’s reshaping the way businesses operate in the Digital Age.

Crypto marketing agencies have a unique knack for navigating the intricate world of cryptocurrencies. They’re turning the complex world of Bitcoin, Ethereum, and other digital currencies into a goldmine of opportunities for businesses.

But it’s not just about Bitcoin. These agencies are also masters of branding, using innovative digital strategies to make businesses stand out in the crowded online marketplace. With their help, businesses are thriving like never before.

So, how exactly are cryptocurrency marketing agencies helping businesses thrive in the Digital Age? Let’s dive in and explore this exciting new frontier.


Shivpuri Call Girls Service
07/11/2023 | 07:24

The Escort Service in Shivpuri is such a specialist in the craft of correspondence that you will never feel alone while you are conversing with them. They will keep you connected with their sweet words and good humored nature.

Buy Linode Account
13/11/2023 | 21:30

Browse our list of Linode Accounts, and press the button to place your order if you ’re relatively happy with the prices. The Linode Accounts that are assessed by us are the topmost and most recognized on offer. Yes, we ’re looking for a web- grounded position to buy Linode Accounts. Therefore, you have come to the right place. Our Linode accounts are installed fully for free. You can buy checked Linodes accounts from us without issue.Why do n’t you look into Verified Linode Accounts? They ’re much less precious then than anywhere differently you ’ll find them. Linode is a substantially pall hosting provider. Linode substantially offers pall- hosting services to guests each over the world, as well as to associations and individualities likewise.

Delhi Escort
18/11/2023 | 05:54

Our way of providing escort call girl in Delhi is totally different from any other escort service in Delhi. We focus not only on Delhi Escorts Service we also take care of our client privacy & full escorts satisfaction. Our escorts in Delhi girl never restrict you over kissing, boobs pressing, anal sex, hand job, sperm flick in mouth and go wild on bed. Every single person has individual sexual preferences. Thus, attempts to change someone into a compatible sexual Delhi call girl are nearly always unsuccessful. To have great sex, you must find someone who fits your style. Therefore, the Delhi escort services take you to the heaven of the sex goddess.

Buy Azure Accounts
20/11/2023 | 14:57

<a href="">Buy Azure Accounts</a> can provide access to cost-effective solutions that help streamline operations. With pay-as-you-go pricing models and discounted rates for long-term commitments, businesses can optimize their expenses while leveraging cutting-edge technology.